APES Times Issue 12

Will O'Dwyer
27.01.24 10:52 AM Comment(s)

APES Times

Issue 12 - 19/01/2024

​Winter Appeal

Help APES Weather the Cold: Donate Now and Provide Warmth for Our Rescued Animals This Winter!

As temperatures drop and winter wraps its icy hand around our world, encounters with warm-hearted souls offer the invaluable comfort of love and care. This is particularly true for the Association of Protecting Exotic Species (APES), an organization committed to providing shelter, rescue, and adoption services for our voiceless, furry, or scaled friends.

Operating year-round, APES caters to a wide range of exotic and domestic animals that have encountered less-than-ideal circumstances. Taking in animals that are lost, abandoned, or in need of immediate aid, APES offers them a second chance at life—a loving experience that is only made possible through the generosity of our supporters.

Winter, however, presents a unique set of challenges. With chilly winds invading our sanctuary, our heating needs—and consequently, our bills—tend to spike dramatically. The comfort of our animals remains a top priority, and ensuring a warm environment for them is critical to their overall health and well-being.

Regrettably, the rise in heating costs during winter months can deplete our resources, limiting our ability to provide the best care for the animals in our custody. As non-profit organization, APES relies heavily on the altruism of our community—individuals who see the value in what we do and lend their support in various ways.

Today, we are reaching out to you, our gracious readers and the heart of our community, to kindly ask for your support. We're introducing our 'Winter Warmth Appeal' aimed at offsetting our escalating winter heating costs. Your donations will directly contribute to maintaining a cozy, safe shelter for these animals who depend on us for survival.

Remember, each life at APES—be it a slithering snake, a chirping bird, or a cuddly bunny—deserves a warm and comfy home. Animals may not have a voice, but they feel just as we do. They experience the cold, the discomfort, and the relief of warmth—comforts they, too, deserve.

Your contributions could mean the difference between a shivering night or a cozy sleep for our furry and scaly charges. No amount is too small; everything helps and is deeply appreciated.

Your big-hearted donation today can fill their silent nights with the warmth of your kindness and a promise of better days at APES.

To donate, please visit our website or contact us directly. On behalf of the entire APES team and all the animals under our care, we offer our deepest thanks.

Remember, "Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'" Now, let us all come together to offer warm, winter refuge to our fellow beings.

Donate today, because everyone, regardless of how many legs they have or scales they bear, deserves the gift of warmth and comfort.

APES: Giving voice to the voiceless, warmth to the chilled, and hope to the abandoned.

​Sad Rescue

A Plea to Act Promptly: How Delays in Animal Rescue Can Be Fatal

In the compassionate world of animal rescue, the team at the Association of Protecting Exotic Species (APES) performs some daunting and every so often, heart-wrenching tasks. Today's story sadly underlines the grim side of such endeavours - underscoring the dire consequences that negligence and untimely action can lead to in the life of an innocent animal.

Last week, we responded to a distress call about an exotic snake left by a ex who did not seem to be bothered. 

Regrettably, by the time our team arrived at the scene, the frigid conditions took a heavy toll on the cold-blooded reptile. Despite our spirited rescue efforts, the creature could not withstand the chilling temperatures, and passed away alone and suffering.

We share this tragic story not to sadden you, dear readers, but to call out a significant issue that desperately needs attention - the urgency of reporting, rescuing, and rehoming animals in need.

It's important to realize, pets — exotic or not — are much more than just "property." They are sentient beings with unique needs, capacious feelings, and a distinct discomfort to adversity. The burden of care lies with their human caregivers and abdicating this responsibility leads to neglect and suffering — just as we witnessed in the devastating case of the snake.

We implore you today, if you or someone else is unable to care for an animal, don't wait. Don’t leave it to suffer in silence, battling harsh conditions alone. Instead, opt for responsible ownership and consider rehoming options immediately. There are many shelters and rescue organizations, like APES, that stand ready to offer help and provide these animals a proper care environment.

Let the loss of this snake be a stark reminder of the silent suffering animals endure when left unattended. As the snake's plight demonstrates, waiting can be deadly. Pets do not have a voice, but we do. It is our moral obligation as responsible humans to advocate for their welfare.

Therefore, let us use this harrowing tale to inspire change — to act quickly, report responsibly, and ensure no animal suffers due to our ignorance or delay.

In loving memory of the snake who couldn't find warmth in time, we vow to continue our fight for every creature that doesn't have a voice.

Become part of the solution. Be responsible, and rehome today.

​APES Responds to Recent Volunteer Shortage: Steps Up Training to Improve Service

Over the past month, readers may have noticed a slight lag in our ability to promptly answer their calls. The team at the Association of Protecting Exotic Species (APES) acknowledges this concern and is primed to address the issue head-on.

The root of the challenge lies in an unexpected shortage of volunteers, a pivotal support gradient responsible for the seamless operations at APES. Our dedicated volunteers are the heart of our organization, offering their time and effort selflessly to ensure every creature under our care receives the attention and love they deserve.

But, as with anything that involves commitment and voluntary work, fluctuations occur. This past month presented us with such a situation where we've had fewer hands on deck, hence impeding our optimum service delivery, particularly in effectively managing our busy phone lines.

As a rescue organization serving both exotic and domestic species, our phone lines are crucial communication channels with our community. They keep us updated about distressed animals in need of help, potential adopters looking to offer forever homes, and concerned individuals wanting to report unattended pets. We understand the importance of every call that comes through to us—it can indeed mean the difference between life and death for the animals we serve.

Today, we want to assure our readers, and all who rely on APES, that we're addressing this critical issue. Over the next few weeks, we're initiating a comprehensive training program for our new and existing volunteers. This training will focus on managing our phone lines effectively, ensuring each significant call is attended to promptly and professionally.

At APES, we believe in commitment, adaptability, and constant improvement, and we're taking necessary actions to mitigate the recent operational challenges we've faced. We appreciate your understanding during this period and want to express our gratitude for your unwavering support.

We're confident that with our talented and devoted volunteer force expanded and trained, our service will be back to its efficient self in no time. So, to all those who patiently stayed on the line, who went the extra mile to get in touch with us: thank you. Your patience and perseverance have not gone unnoticed. You are as much a part of our team as any staff or volunteer.

Our promise to the community, as always, is one of perseverance, care, and relentless dedication to every creature that needs our help. No call will go unanswered; no voice will be left unheard.

If you've ever considered volunteering with APES, this is a perfect moment to get involved. Together, we can give voice to the voiceless and help every creature find care and comfort.

​Happy Reunited Pet

APES Dog & Cat Lost N Found Service: The Homeward Journey of George the Staffie

In the dynamic and often turbulent world of animal rescue, moments of joy are amongst the most cherished. These moments make every challenge faced worth it. The Association of Protecting Exotic Species (APES) has had one such joyous moment recently, as we successfully reunited George, a curious and lovable Staffordshire Bull Terrier, with his relieved owner.

George's adventurous spirit led him down an unplanned path. Venturing away from his owners car, George found himself lost in a much larger, unfamiliar world. Alerted by his distressed workmen, the team at APES Dog & Cat Lost N Found Service sprang into action, ready to ensure George's safe return.

Fortuitously, George was spotted by a crew of eagle-eyed workmen, who recognized him from our circulated alerts. They immediately reached out to our APES team, setting into motion the swift recovery process.

The exhilarating moment of George's reunion with his owner was not just a testament to the tireless efforts of our team and community, but also a powerful illustration of the impact of responsible animal care.

At APES Lost N Found Services, we understand that our mission extends beyond the confines of our purpose and mission. We are there in every neighborhood, in every alert, fostering a network that is as passionate about animals as we are. While our Lost N Found initiative predominantly serves domestic species like dogs and cats, our commitment to animal welfare transcends species. From parakeets to pythons, we value them all equally.

George's journey home is a heart warming reminder of this commitment. It also serves as reassurance to all pet owners that no matter the circumstances, and no matter the species, APES will pull out all the stops to ensure the safe return of every lost pet to their rightful home.

Because what we offer at APES is more than services; it is hope. No matter how far your furry or scaling family member has wandered, we're here to guide them home. This unwavering dedication is what returned George to his family, it's what powers every search, sparks every reunion, and drives us to continue this profound work.

George's homecoming is not just a victory for APES; it's a victory for every single person who contributed to the mission in their own way. To each and every one of you, we extend our heartfelt gratitude.

If you ever need our help, or are interested in fostering, adopting, or supporting our cause, get in touch with us. Let's continue crafting stories of hope and reunions, one rescue at a time.

APES Dog & Cat Lost N Found Services: Uniting families, one paw at a time.

​Coming Soon To The Fun Zone


Lights, Camera, Action: APES Launches 'APESTube', a New Video-Sharing Platform for Exotic Animal Lovers!

Attention, animal enthusiasts! Ever wished for a platform where your passion for exotic creatures takes center stage? The Association of Protecting Exotic Species (APES) has some exciting news for you! We are thrilled to announce the launch of 'APESTube', a unique video-sharing platform for exotic animal lovers, empowered by Playtube.

APESTube creates a space for others like you to share firsthand experiences, showcase your expansive knowledge, and build a community immersed in the enchanting world of exotic animals. With an easy-to-use interface, APESTube users can upload engaging videos, akin to seasoned YouTubers, and even host live streams!

Designed to inspire, engage and educate, APESTube fosters a virtual habitat where you can not only showcase your unique pets but also share the adventure of caring for these rare species. This brilliant platform bridges the gap between exotic animal enthusiasts worldwide and encourages the exchange of ideas, tips and tricks, fascinating facts, and much more.

Whether it's a lively snake feeding session, a glimpse of your bird's impressive wing-span, or how you manage to keep your iguana comfortable in your living room, APESTube caters to all nuances of exotic animal life. You become the director of your unique pet reality show, boasting a global audience.

Moreover, APESTube aligns with APES's mission of promoting responsible exotic pet ownership. Not only does it allow enthusiasts to share their journeys, but it also provides invaluable insights to potential exotic pet owners. It's a platform for sharing experiences, educating the masses, and advocating for the welfare of these extraordinary creatures.

But that's not all! Apart from promoting healthy and informed pet ownership, APESTube can be your go-to space for the latest updates from APES! We'll be sharing fun behind-the-scenes footage, rescue stories, adoption success tales, and resourceful animal care tips. It's a front-row seat to the myriad adventures at APES!

Indeed, APESTube aims to bring together a community that cherishes and respects the beauty and marvel of exotic pets, augmented by the convenience of Playtube.

Join us at our mailing list, show off your wonderful exotic pets, celebrate their quirks, and learn more about the fabulous world of exotic animal care. A world no less exciting than the creatures it revolves around.

APESTube: Sharing the extraordinary, one video at a time.

APES Chat Rooms

Stay Connected With APES Chat Rooms: A New Platform for Exotic Animal Enthusiasts!

Bridging the gap between exotic animal lovers globally, the Association of Protecting Exotic Species (APES) is proud to introduce 'APES Chat Rooms', our new chat and video-chat platform. Developed in partnership with Element Chat and Matrix, this platform ushers in a new era of connectivity for our passionate community.

APES Chat Rooms offer a unique online environment for enthusiasts to discuss, learn from, and share their experiences with exotic animals. Whether you're looking to expand your knowledge about these fascinating creatures, swap invaluable tips about their care or simply share anecdotes from your everyday adventures with exotic pets, our chat rooms provide the perfect conduit for open and insightful conversation.

The real-time communication feature makes it more interactive and personal, fostering a sense of togetherness in our already-close-knit community. But wait - APES Chat Rooms aren't confined to just text chats. The integration with Element Chat and Matrix also permits video chat options. Now, you can witness and showcase your exotic pet's quirks and charms beyond still images and descriptions!

Furthering security, the platform uses state-of-the-art, end-to-end encryption, ensuring your private chats remain just that - private. With a reliable system keeping your conversations secure, you can focus solely on enriching your understanding and enjoyment of exotic animals.

Moreover, to maintain a respectful and positive environment aligning with APES' mission, these chat rooms will be consistently monitored and moderated. This ensures that all discussions and visuals uphold respect for these unique creatures and our passionate community. APES is devoted to fostering active, enlightening, and enjoyable conversations about the exotic pet universe, and our moderators will ensure all interactions uphold this spirit.

Our APES Chat Rooms capture the beauty of a diverse, passionate community enthralled by the magic of exotic animals. Here, your enthusiasm, wisdom, or curiosity won't go unheard or unanswered. Instead, you'll find yourself among kindred spirits, bonded by a deep appreciation for the extraordinary creatures we share our world with.

Join APES Chat Rooms today and immerse yourself in a world that's as mesmerizing as the creatures it celebrates. Exchange experiences, share adventures, and amplify your connection with this global network of exotic animal enthusiasts.

APES Chat Rooms: Communicate the extraordinary, one chat at a time.

​Animals that currently need a new home.

APES Unveils Upcoming Animal Therapy: A Sanctuary for De-stressing and Connection
Are you ready to embark on an incredible journey without leaving the comfort of your home? Join us on the APES Exotic Animal Adoption Virtual Tour, where we showcase the amazing and unique animals waiting for their forever homes!

Dive into the vibrant world of exotic pets, from the scaly to the feathery, and discover a new companion who’s looking for love and care. This video tour gives you an up-close and personal look at the diverse range of animals under APES's wing, each with their own story and personality.

Witness the playful antics of our mischievous snakes, the graceful swimming of our aquatic frogs, and the serene beauty of our colorful lizards—all from your screen. Our knowledgeable staff provides insights into the life and habits of each creature, ensuring you understand the unique commitments and joys of exotic animal parenthood.

Throughout the tour, we highlight the importance of responsible exotic pet ownership and offer advice on the ideal habitat, diet, and enrichment activities for each species to thrive. We'll even share some heartwarming success stories of past adoptions to inspire you and demonstrate the positive impact you can have by giving these animals a loving home.

Whether you're a seasoned exotic animal enthusiast or a newcomer to the world of unique pets, our Exotic Animal Adoption Virtual Tour is designed to educate, engage, and motivate viewers to consider adoption as a meaningful way to welcome a new member into their family.

So sit back, relax, and let us guide you through the fascinating assortment of animals at APES. Who knows? You might just meet your next exotic friend!

🌟 To learn more about our adoption process or to inquire about a particular animal you see on the tour, please visit our website https://www.apesshelter.org.uk or contact us directly. At APES, we're committed to finding the perfect match between our extraordinary residents and compassionate adopters like you.

​NEW APES Cats N Dogs Rehoming Network

The Association of Protecting Exotic Species (APES) is excited to announce a new initiative for cat and dog owners that expands beyond our usual exotic species remit. We have taken a step further to support not only the exotic animal community but also our furry canine and feline friends. Today, we proudly unveil our new digital service aimed at those who need to rehome pets without any financial gain.

With our dedicated website, https://catsndogs.apes.org.uk/, we offer a safe and easy-to-use platform to connect care-seeking pets with loving households.

Understanding the pain of parting ways with your pet, we've launched this platform to make the process smoother and controlled. Many responsible pet owners find themselves in situations where, for one reason or another, they can no longer continue to provide a loving home for their pets. This service ensures these beloved pets find their new forever homes and continue receiving the love and care they need.

The platform acts as a bridge connecting current pet owners and potential adopters. It offers a centralized, user-friendly interface where owners can list their cats or dogs up for adoption. Meanwhile, individuals or families looking to welcome a pet into their lives can browse through the listings, interact safely with the current owners, and initiate the adoption process.

All communications and transactions on the platform are monitored and moderated closely by our team to ensure the seamless rehoming process, nullifying the risk of malicious intent.

Prospective adopters will need to fill a pre-adoption questionnaire, allowing us to understand their environment better and ensure a perfect match for both parties. APES is committed to placing every pet in a safe, loving, and prepared home.

The mission of this service is straightforward - to ensure every dog or cat finds a loving home, even if circumstances require them to leave their first one. It's a non-profit initiative aimed at serving our community and the well-being of cats and dogs across St. Helens.

APES believes that in building this platform, we're helping to build a community that understands and demonstrates that animals are not commodities. They are sentient beings with individual needs and feelings.

Visit https://catsndogs.apes.org.uk/ to explore the platform, find your perfect pet match, or ensure a loving home for your pet. APES stands committed to facilitating the daunting journey from one home to another - making it secure, simple, and as stress-free as possible.

Team APES.

​Thanks for reading!

Dear Readers,

As we come to the close of this issue of APES Times, the Association of Protecting Exotic Species (APES) team would like to take a moment to extend our heartfelt gratitude to each one of you. Your readership directly supports our mission and amplifies our voice in the world.

Every issue we put together is filled with stories that we believe resonate with our core message of compassion, conservation, and education. Whether it's a tale of a lost pet finding its way back home or an insight into our latest initiatives, each piece is centered around the animals we commit our lives to protect.

Your active readership aids us in extending our reach. By sharing our stories, you help spread a ripple effect of awareness and support for the exotic and domestic animals in our care. Every shared post, every forwarded newsletter, and every discussion generated helps underscore our mission and contributes to the wellbeing of these wonderful creatures.

We'd like to encourage you to continue this trend. Share your favourite articles with friends, invite discussion about the topics you find most engaging, and help extend the APES family beyond our base. Let others experience the delight of the selfless world of animal care and the unique stories that emerge from APES.

As we continue our mission, remember that APES is not just us - the dedicated team on the ground rescuing, rehabilitating, and advocating for animals - but also you, our generous community of readers, donors, volunteers, adopters, and promoters. We stand as one global family, united for the love and welfare of our animal companions.

As we bid adieu to this edition of APES Times, we look forward to bringing you more inspiring stories, notifying you about new developments at APES, and staying connected in our shared love and respect for all creatures, large and small.

So, until the next issue arrives in your inbox, stay connected, stay curious, and continue being an irreplaceable part of the APES community.

Thank you once again for your time, engagement, and unwavering support.

APES: Because every creature matters, and every story counts.

Will O'Dwyer

Will O'Dwyer

News Reporter APES

Visit our website for more information https://www.apes.org.uk