APES Unleashes a New Virtual Service

Will O'Dwyer
28.02.24 01:07 AM Comment(s)

Introducing the APES K9 Unit

Greetings, animal lovers and APES supporters!

If there's one thing we at the Association of Protecting Exotic Species (APES) have learned, it's that life knows how to throw curveballs. Our latest one? An inundation of calls about rehoming dogs.

Yep, you read that right. Dogs. While our mission has always been the care and rehoming of exotic species, we have found ourselves treading into new, unexpected territory. As of this week, over 25 calls in a single day pertaining to dogs have come through our lines. And the culprits? XL Bullies' recent ban has led to shelters and rescue centres reaching tipping points.

Watching this rising demand, we couldn’t turn a blind eye. So, hats off to our team who, despite the surprises, has been hard at work creating a dedicated division in record time. Drum roll, please.... introducing our latest endeavour: the APES K9 Unit!

Recognising the needs of these domestic animals, we've created an online-only service addressing dog rehoming enquiries via dedicated live chat and ticket systems. After you provide pertinent details about your canine friend, our team sets into action, contacting various centres and ensuring your pampered pooch gets onto the right waiting lists.

The division gets its exclusive corner on the web, away from APES's main site, with its own sub-site dedicated to all things dog sheltering and rehoming.

To streamline access and keep tabs on usage, we have a little ask: Do register at APES Service Users. Don’t worry; we’ve made it quick and easy with Google and Facebook login options. As a registered member, you get full access to the APES K9 Unit Division website and loads of resources such as:

  1. Dog Shelters Page: A curated list of approved Dog Shelters in the North West of England.
  2. APES K9 Rehoming Network: An open network for posting rehoming requests.
  3. Lost N Found Service: Bring a found dog to us; we will code-scan it and contact the owner.
APES K9 Rehoming Network

Over the next 6-12 months, we’ll be monitoring the service, honing it, and gearing ourselves to better meet the needs and expectations of the service's users.

Who would have thought we'd be here, dear readers? But life is all about growth and adaptation. And here are we are, at APES, embracing it to serve our community better.

Stay tuned for more updates and thank you for barking (or should we say roaring?) with us along the way!

You can find more information on our website or you can contact us via telephone on 01744 904 994 or via email at info@apes.org.uk.

Will O'Dwyer

Will O'Dwyer

News Reporter APES

Visit our website for more information https://www.apes.org.uk