New AI Powered Chat On APES Website

Will O'Dwyer
30.01.24 11:54 AM Comment(s)

Get Connected with Lyro: Your AI Assistant at APES' New Website

APES (Association of Protecting Exotic Species) is excited to announce a new feature on our website, one which will revolutionize the way our supporters connect and interact with us. Meet Lyro, our artificial intelligence addition, who is set to streamline your experience on our website,

Lyro, our friendly AI expert, is not only here to help you navigate through our website but also answer all your queries accurately and efficiently. With an extensive knowledge of our operations, she fields questions about our rescue, shelter and adoption programs.

Wondering if we rehome corn snakes? Or perhaps you’re interested in our adoption fee details? Lyro is equipped to answer all your questions. In fact, the sheer intelligence and innovation of our AI assistant are remarkable.

Lyro is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, responding to inquiries in real-time, making her a reliable and quick source of information. So, whether you're a potential adopter, supporter, donor, or simply an animal lover seeking resources, Lyro will direct you to the right page on our website without much hassle.

In this digital age, we at APES realize the importance of instant and accurate communication. Our ultimate aim is to make your journey with us as seamless, satisfying, and informative as possible, so we are delighted to integrate Lyro into our website functionality.

Do pay our website a visit and let Lyro guide you through your quest for exotic animal knowledge and rescue activities. The Association of Protecting Exotic Species continues to be located at Unit 7, Cross House, Sutton Road, St Helens, WA9 3YH. Any telephonic inquiries can still be directed to 01744 904 994 or emailed to

With the introduction of Lyro, we are expecting to foster a better and deeper connection with our supporters, prompt a swift visitor-to-action process, and most importantly, cater to the needs of the beautiful creatures we're dedicated to protecting. After all, we're not just a rescue; we're a sanctuary for those unheard voices in the wild.

Will O'Dwyer

Will O'Dwyer

News Reporter APES

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