Exciting Innovations in APES's Online Customer Service

Will O'Dwyer
14.02.24 12:22 PM Comment(s)

Dear esteemed visitors to our APES digital platform,

We're thrilled to inform you of some significant updates to our online customer service. Over the past weeks, our IT and customer service departments have been diligently working on enhancing the live chat systems across various APES digital properties, including the APES official website, the APES Shelter & Rescue site, and the APES Pet Care Clinic website.

Our goal has always been to be reachable and responsive to all your inquiries regarding the conservation, rehabilitation, and care of exotic animal species. Now, to render this process even more seamless and efficient, we've brought on board a uniform live chat system across all our websites.

This new system is designed to streamline all incoming support requests into a more unified framework, making it substantially simpler to track and manage inquiries. This way, your questions get the attention they need, and our responses can be faster and more efficient.

Advancements with AI Technology

In the coming months, we'll be taking this improvement a step further by introducing Artificial Intelligence (AI) to our live chats. Our goal is to ensure swift responses and immediate support, round the clock, and our forthcoming AI system is just the innovation to achieve that.

When We're Offline: We've Got You Covered

We understand that not all our visitors will be able to reach us during our working hours. For such instances, when our live chat representatives are offline, the updated system will automatically create a ticket for your request. As soon as our team members are back online, they will address these tickets promptly, ensuring no query remains unanswered.

We're Here for You

These advancements epitomize APES's dedication to providing exceptional customer service while furthering our mission to protect and preserve exotic animal species. We're excited about the increased efficiency and the enhanced direct communication channels these changes will foster between us.

We extend our sincere gratitude for your ongoing support and patience throughout this upgrade process. If you have any questions, or need further clarification about these changes, please do not hesitate to reach us. You can contact us on 01744 904 994 or at info@apes.org.uk.

Together, with your steadfast support, we can continue to make meaningful impacts in the world of exotic animal rescue and conservation.

APES News Desk 

Unit 7, Cross House, Sutton Road, St Helens, WA9 3YH

Will O'Dwyer

Will O'Dwyer

News Reporter APES

Visit our website for more information https://www.apes.org.uk