New digital cat and dog services!

Will O'Dwyer
22.01.24 03:16 PM Comment(s)

APES Cats N Dogs Rehoming Network

In an unprecedented move, the Association of Protecting Exotic Species (APES), whose primary focus has been on the rescue, shelter, and adoption of exotic pets, has ventured into an entirely different arena: rehoming domesticated cats and dogs. This initiative called the 'APES Cats N Dogs Rehoming Network' sprang from the rising number of calls the organization received daily concerning rehoming these more common pets.

Established as a dedicated extension of their main website, '', the platform provides a safe, secure, and efficient channel for pet owners to create rehoming pages for their cats or dogs. This innovative model allows owners to create profiles for their pets, including vital information about the animal like its age, breed, temperament, and specific needs. Owners are also encouraged to upload photos of pets to help prospective adopters get a clear picture of their potential new family member.

One prominent feature that makes the APES Cats N Dogs Rehoming Network unique is its zero-tolerance policy towards money in the rehoming process. The conventional practice of demanding money from prospective pet adopters has been excluded in the framework of this platform. All pet profiles explicitly state that the current owners are seeking new homes for their pets out of concern for their wellbeing and not for financial gain.

In addition to these user-friendly features, the platform also offers an extra layer of security to its users. Pet owners and potential adopters can get their profiles verified by an APES staff member, ensuring that they are dealing with genuine individuals and safeguarding them from potential scams.

The APES Cats N Dogs Rehoming Network is a testament to the organization's ongoing commitment to ensuring the wellbeing of all creatures, big or small, exotic or commonplace. While this may appear as a shift from their primary focus on exotic species, it's more accurately a reflection of their expansion to accommodate the growing needs of domestic animals within their purview.

As APES ventures into this new initiative, it does so with the hope that this platform will encourage pet owners to reprioritize their responsibilities towards their pets. It is a step forward for the organization and a potential game-changer for pet adoption and rehoming practices all over the UK.

The APES Cats N Dogs Rehoming Network can be accessed via the welfare tab on the main APES website at ''. Progress can be modest, but with initiatives like this, APES is taking significant strides in changing the narrative of pet rehoming and care.

Will O'Dwyer

Will O'Dwyer

News Reporter APES

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