Blog categorized as APES Shelter & Rescue

Website Update Coming 24th February
Exciting Updates Coming Sooner than You Think!
Will O'Dwyer
19.02.24 04:04 PM - Comment(s)
Shelter Streams Now On Facebook Pages
We are now live on Facebook pages.
Will O'Dwyer
23.01.24 04:23 PM - Comment(s)
New Links To Shelter Requests Forms
APES Streamlines Shelter Request Process for Exotic Pets
Will O'Dwyer
12.01.24 02:05 PM - Comment(s)
Coming This Month January 2024
We are updating our website this month and here is what is to come.
Will O'Dwyer
11.01.24 02:59 PM - Comment(s)
APES Shelter & Rescue Has Its Own Instagram
APES Shelter & Rescue now has its own Instagram.
Will O'Dwyer
08.01.24 07:21 PM - Comment(s)
APES Streams Update
We have some updates about APES Streams.
Will O'Dwyer
02.01.24 08:21 AM - Comment(s)
Heat Mats & Thermostat Requirements
We have new policies regarding vettings, heat mats and the requirements to pass vetting.
Will O'Dwyer
27.12.23 03:37 PM - Comment(s)
APES Streams Now On Twitch
Our stream is now available on Twitch.
Will O'Dwyer
27.12.23 01:33 PM - Comment(s)